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Why I Created this Summit

When I was pregnant, I found there was so much information floating around with no rhyme or reason, most of it was difficult to find or needed hours of extended research.  Once the baby arrived, there was limited time for all of the research needed to prepare for the Newborn phase, especially all of the things that I was told weren’t relevant until the baby arrived.  Surprise, baby is here and there is so much that could not have been prepared for anyway, with the exception of access to support to know I was doing a great job and my baby and my experience wasn’t an anomaly but very normal.  Moving past the newborn months, that were a blur in my zombie wonderland, the next phase of combing through information was upon me while learning about sleep, eating and development but still no time to keep up with all of the readings in order to prepare.  If I thought I had no time during the baby phase, the crawling began and the subject of my sole focus never stopped moving long enough to realize I hadn’t done my reading for toddlerhood ahead of time. 


All while trying to survive the first years, I was lucky enough to have a moms chat group with no judgement and boatloads of encouragement while supplying an endless amount of help through experience.  Not everyone is quite as fortunate to receive this type of support, instead enduring various forms of criticism and of course family and friends all have an opinion.  I wished there was a central hub to access all of this information, offering me various parenting options in one place in a concise and readily available format that I could access via video and in literature.


In response to the lack of compiled information, I have created an online Parenthood Summit inviting Medical Professionals, Nutritionists, Fitness Instructors, Bloggers, Product Specialists and more to participate in Discussion Panels covering the topics most questioned as well as 2 interactive Classes.  In addition to the online event is access to a network of local and worldwide resources on the Parenthood website. I hope by putting this resource out there, I can make it easier for parents to find the information they need so they can focus on spending time with their growing family! 


I hope you enjoy all of the resources I've worked hard to compile! Beyond our expert discussions we have discussion groups where you can interact with the experts and all of our other attendees. No matter where you are in your parenting journey, this is a great resource full of amazing tips and advice that you can use time and time again. 


- Sarah

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